
       Application developed to order for property management and homeowners' associations. A complex accounting application Affiliates, block, block stairs, apartments, about 1 year of which has been developed by an extensive team of 3 programmers, using good practice in the field (GIT application, versioning and backup system) .

      The application is designed to manage the ownership of a landlords' association starting from the building complex and continuing with the building, the block, the staircase, the apartments and the client level, respectively the tenant.
The main streams within the association are::
  • defining an association
  • initialisation of balances at the time of takeover
  • registration of entry and exit documents
  • registration of financial documents related to receipts and payments
  • administration cost distribution way
  • automatically generate payment items for each client
  • closing each calculation period
  • type reporting (registers, situations, chips)
  • administering entities (owners' associations) within the application
  • user administration
     Defining the ownership association type entity involves entering the identification and component elements into divisions / subdivisions / clients.
     An important element in defining the association is the ability to customize the allocation criteria, counters and funds of an entity. These items either have the role of collecting values ​​(e.g., bearing money), determining how to calculate (e.g., indivisible share) and expense type (Contor -> Cold Water).
     When an entity is initialized, it is necessary to establish the accounts used in it: the types of accounts available in the application are the house account, the bank account type.
     Each account is determined by the initial balance, the IBAN account (if applicable) and the turnover after the operations. Also, another element of initialization is the development of the association hiring modules and customer balances. The values ​​entered will be reflected in the specific reports specifically developed by Creative Ones programmer team.

     The application is developed to allow suppliers to enter bills in an easy way to minimize operating time, summaries or in a detailed way.
      If an invoice is returned from a new vendor, the application allows you to quickly add identification data and create this record. The application does not allow the total value of the invoice to be exceeded when operating on its lines, alerting the user who distributes the items on the invoice.
      Documents in electronic format can be attached to the in-app invoice, drag-and-drop, by developing easy modules written in PHP by our team. 

     Payment of an invoice can be made quickly, through a special shortcut, and the application proposes to pay the total face value and displays the available balance of the selected account. The user will only have to choose the payment method, ie the account from which the payment is made, and the amount and remainder proposed will be calculated automatically by the system.

      The real estate management software application is developed so that the earnings are recorded for each client, the application will display the balance component on each item and the corresponding value. The operator will be offered the full amount or will be able to operate manually. In case of cashing, the receipt is generated automatically.

      In the application, transfer financial documents can be operated by selecting the source account, destination account, and value.

      Following the introduction of consumption, costs and calculation method, the real estate administration software automatically generates payment lists. This complex debt-sharing process at client level can be costomized very simply by drag-and-drop in a tree structure that allows columns to be placed according to their own preference. The distribution mode becomes a parent and the expenses moved under the parent get the parent's distribution criterion. The results are recalculated, the final report being able to be exported / printed. There is the possibility of displaying an annex containing the general component of the distributed expenses.
The payment list is generated at the level of each month..

      Reports available and created within the application: Home Registry, Bank Registry, Cash Register. Payroll register, Fund register, Registry diary, Funds balance sheet, Asset / passive balance, Balance home / bank, Customer card, Unpaid expenses, Supplier invoice, Supplier overpaid, Association payments, , Invalid Accounts..

     The software application is developed in PHP on the Laravel Framework, through GIT as a versioning system and respects the best practices in the field of application development, presented here.
      For more details about custom application custom development, access here. 

      Real estate accounting software is integrated API with  Android Creative SMS application for sending SMS notifications and messages for users.


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