
The Creative Ones team has successfully developed the ConcierGO mobile application available on Google Play and the App Store.

As usual, in creating application, we started from the essential stage of Designing the application, the stage that presents in detail the functionalities of the future application.

ConcierGO is the application of the communities, successfully responding to the administrative aspects of the groups of people living in the same block or residential complex, but also of the offices, malls, clinics, professional or leisure associations.

In the spaces where different types of persons or companies live, work or carry out different types of activities, there are often administrative aspects that concern everyone related to the management of common spaces, utilities, facilities, parking spaces, etc.

A good "coexistence" means first of all a good communication.

Therefore, it is ideal for these united groups of common interests, in common spaces, to have at hand a tool for fast communication, in real time, and for the messages to reach everyone, at the same time, also facilitating feedback from everyone.

ConcierGO is the mobile application that facilitates access to community services and also the communication tool through which all tenants of a building / complex are informed, have access to the facilities of the building where they live or work, conveniently benefit from all services and can get involved directly in the smooth running of things in the community to which they belong.

The application is designed to manage the owners' associations, the communities that carry out their activity in the same place starting from the set of buildings and continuing with the building, block, staircase, apartment to the tenant level.

The management of real estate and owners' associations thus becomes a much easier process to follow.

How does the application work and what are the main advantages it offers to users?
  • The data of each user are easy to import in the application and the application allows a structure on their roles.
  • Also through the application is controlled the access to the residential complex of the cars of the members of the ensemble but also of the visitors. Which means control, safety and rigor.
  • For a good communication between members, notifications and push messages can be sent from the application, which can be integrated with the users' email addresses.
  • In a community, decisions are made democratically, with everyone voting. Transparently, the ConcierGO mobile application allows voting by consultation of all community members on various topics of common interest and generates a final voting report.
  • Tickets can be opened from the application - respectively requests.
  • Also, reservations or appointments can be made for the services available within the community. In the application are stored all the services and facilities that can be made available to members and their access can be done even by booking a certain time slot.
  • The application also contains a very useful financial component, respectively it facilitates the possibility of sending and receiving the monthly maintenance invoice.

Therefore, the main advantages of the ConcierGO application are:

  • Information and communication
  • Control and safety
  • Collaboration
  • Organization
  • Feedback
  • Integration
  • Simplification
  • Automation
  • Improvement
  • Loyalty
The ConcierGO application is easy and pleasant to use

Intuitive and interactive, ConcierGO thus becomes the application that makes things easier to manage or happen in a community, using the advantages offered by technology.

The ConcierGO application provides users with a sense of belonging to the community in which they live or work.

ConcierGO creates the feeling of belonging to a group and the certainty that everything related to the management of a building is well managed, in a timely manner, improving the quality of life together.

The ConcierGO application ensures the interconnection of members and communities

Space (building, residential complex, office space) with all its facilities and management directions thus becomes an integrated system permanently connected with its users not only physically but also in terms of their cohabitation needs in terms of safety, control and inter relations. -human.

The ConcierGO application ensures transparency

In a community the most difficult thing is to have access, to be connected to all aspects related to administrative management. Most of the time, the residents live with the feeling that they lose sight of certain things, that they are not fully informed or that they are neglected. ConcierGO ensures transparency, thus eliminating the frustration factor that usually occurs in such situations.

Through ConcierGO each member is important, his opinion matters and his status of owner / tenant enjoys appreciation.

The ConcierGO application is accessible anytime and from anywhere.

The application offers mobility allowing access to information anytime, from anywhere. Basically, even on vacation or if you do not actually live in the building or residential complex where you own a property you are in permanent contact and up to date with the entire dynamics of the community from an administrative point of view.

The ConcierGO application is ideal for residential complexes, business centers, etc.

Residential complexes and business communities can directly benefit from the ConcierGO mobile application. In this way, they can create a user account for each existing tenant or for each person who has just become the owner / tenant by giving them the "key" to access a community managed on the principles of transparent and total communication.

Other mobile applications made by Creative Ones can be viewed right here.

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