Creative Ones

Creating the online job platform

        We are proud to announce that the ADMIS project  is now part of the Creative Ones portfolio.

    What is the ADMIS project, the e-jobs platform developed by Creative Ones?

            Within this project, our objective aligned with that of the Allied NGO, by reducing the number of marginalized communities in which there are people belonging to minorities at risk of poverty and social exclusion in the Western area of ​​Harsova by implementing measures integrated. This project was created through the European Social Fund, the Human Capital Operational Program with the priority axis of social inclusion and poverty alleviation for at least 600 vulnerable persons.

    Details about the ADMIS e-jobs platform

 The site and the functionalities of an online job platform are all made by senior programmers and designers at Creative Ones. The entire structure of the platform has been designed to deliver the user-friendly experience to be used as efficiently as possible on all devices.

    The benefits of creating an online job site

This e-jobs platform is addressed to both qualified and those who have not been in contact with the workplace or socially assisted.

Once the new visitor has created his / her account , all the information regarding the candidate's skills is already displayed, the user just selecting what's right for him / her to be displayed in the CV. We opted for this system because it shortens the fill time of all fields and the principle that governed this structure was guided by the idea of ​​providing the user with a simple way to interact with the online job site.

Once the new user has created their account and has registered their interests, another set of benefits is represented by

  • The site analyzes in real time which jobs it fits

  • Depending on the chosen job you wish to send your CV online, it is displayed as a percentage of how much it matches the criteria indicated by the employer

  • Also, depending on the interests he / she chooses, the online job site displays relevant articles about the candidate's field of activity (legal articles such as codification of labor law legislation, latest news for candidates and employers, online specialist advice, etc.)

  • the most recent job offers will always be displayed on the online job platform. This display is directly related to his / her skills and age of the candidate on the job

        For an online job application platform, the most important thing is proof of compatibility - in this respect Creative Ones has implemented a system that shows the candidate how many per cent meets the requirements of the employer.


    The Platform and e-job site design, ADMIS

            The site is preoccupied with welcoming visitors by offering them a pleasant experience. Developers, together with the design and online marketing team, structured it in a way that meets all UX/UI design principles from a harmonious simplicity. Thus, all graphic elements and buttons are designed to give the user the quality of the time spent on the site and to lead him to all the elements that interest him in an intuitive manner.

            ADMIS has been designed to be a flexible and permanently updated website and platform for e-business, fresh information, and this feature is also worthwhile on the homepage through banners running new job offers, services, important announcements, legislative changes , - all of this support the strategy that has gone from the very beginning, the simplicity of the e-job platform..

            We are very glad that we have succeeded in materializing this provocation, but also because our list adds this wonderful collaboration.

Visit the Creative Ones site for the e-Jobs platform:

Below, our team has developed various tutorials about how to create a business account:

Another new tutorial, designed to make the process easier to understand, is about the Dashboard:

For more details on creating software applications to order, Click here.

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