
Contact us

Do you have a business and want to promote it online? Contact us and give us more details about your business or come to our location to discuss in detail about the online marketing services you need.


Online web marketing strategy

Depending on the online marketing services you choose, Facebook/Google Ads, e-mail marketing, SMS marketing, SEO, or social media marketing, we are developing a strategy aligned to your business goals.


Online marketing strategy implementation

We implement the established strategy for each online marketing channel, paying attention to details and watching with interest the evolution of our efforts to promote your brand.


Online marketing campaigns report

We like to know the results of the implemented strategies and keep you up to date with our achievements. Monthly you get a report with the progress of the results, regardless of the chosen promotion channel.


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Choose online advertising services – increase your business awareness!

promovare online

Find out now how to raise your advertising campaigns performances by 50%! How we do that?

  • Push the button “Start Now” and tell us your brief
  • Get fully audit of your business for FREE
  • We meet and present the right way to advertise your business
  • Before implementing your marketing plan you will have a consultation meeting with us
  • We implement and measure the results
  • You will get weekly / monthly reports about the results of the campaign
  • Get full control of your online advertising campaign thanks to our CRM application

To whom is the online promotion service addressed?

online advertising for a business
You already own an online business or you just want one to be created? Even if you are in the first or second situation, the online advertising service will make you known to your target audience. How can your business be seen by your potential clients? By using communication channels. No matter the main field of your online business, you can always adapt a main series of communication channels, which can increase the awareness of your business and also your sales. Show the people how your product or service can help them by presenting it in a creative way! We can help you to pass after the computer screens with a good web design and a great content.

Which are the main communication channels through my target audience can find me?

online advertising price
Let`s make an imagination exercise: you are now looking for an agency for online advertising. In order to find the right partner the first step that you took was a Google search. After you used some keywords you got a series of results on Google search. These results can be resuming in 1-20 pages. Statistics are saying that over 80% of the navigators are accessing only the first 3 results on Google, giving up the search if response of their question is in the first 3 links. The next links resulted from the first page on Google are getting also a good rate of clicks but not as many as the first situation. So how my target can find me? By having a good Google optimization in order to get good Google rankings.

I want to be on Google!

online advertising for businesses
In general each page that exists on a website is indexed by Google. But our purpose it`s not only to be on Google but to be seen and well indexed. What`s the meaning of being well indexed by Google? To be efficiently seen we are using the best tools for online business advertising in order to get the best result to establish a good marketing strategy with positive results. First step: we establish the target A very important aspect is to know the main target of your business, once known we will know who we are addressing to and we will have the possibility to calculate the right way to approach them. Second step: Optimize the website pages optimized SEO content in the website is a good way to talk to the public target on their language in order to make them buy. Beyond the technical aspects in well optimized SEO content is very important that the message that we send to our users. Sending the right message goes between: the chosen subject – redundancy of it – the perfect keywords. Thanks to our services of content writing you will get good messages and tested Call to Actions so your message can go right to your main target.

What is the importance of the chosen approaching in online advertising?

Let`s say that we own an online business in custom made furniture field and we want our website to benefit of good online advertising and a good presentation in the same time. Besides the importance of the chosen images to deliver the right message of the activity and in the same time the best quality of the provided services is also important that product pages from the website to have unique information detailing the products / services existent in portfolio. It`s necessary to have a good pagination, a good number of words and well chosen keywords. What are keywords in online businesses advertising? Keywords that we choose to advertise a business represents a syntax formed between 2-3 words that users are using to search on Google for services / products with the purpose to buy. How we choose the right keywords? Right keywords are chosen regarding to the field of the business and by making a good analysis of competition. In order to optimize this kind of campaign we choose SEO website optimization services. We also choose Adwords Campaign to promote your website using the same keywords.

Which are the main methods of online advertising of a product?

online advertising costs
There is many possibilities of online marketing which can grow your business profit fast and efficient. Here are the most important of them: Google Adwords Online promoting campaigns from Google Adwords represents the only paid opportunity to get your website into the firsts Google SERPS right from the start of the campaign. The only disadvantage of this kind of campaign is that if you are giving up of it you will stop getting any traffic to your website because it works only by the budget that you choose to pay. Online promoting using SEO As we said above the visibility results of SEO optimization takes time, usualy between 3-6 months of the campaign optimization. The advantage of this kind of optimization is that even if you are stopping these kind of optimization after a few months of working, you are still getting traffic from it for the next mean time. Online advertising using Social Media Like Adwords, online promoting using Social Media methods gets fast results that lasts only when the campaign is active by the budget that you chose. The advantage is that these kind of Social Media campaigns can be made also by making frequently posts in Social Media (which are for free) and these kind of posts are influencing well the SEO campaign. The main accounts used for Social Media posts are: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google Plus.

How do I get personalized services of online advertising?

At Creative Ones the online advertising service for a website is personalized regarding to the specific of its field business. Push the button above and Start Now your own online advertising campaign!

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Why should you choose Creative Ones?

  • Hundreds of successful projects for international clients, public institutions, start-ups
  • Senior programmers with experience in PHP, Java, Android, iOS, HTML, CSS, JavaScript
  • Marketing specialists with Google Adwords certifications
  • Designer graduates of the Arts Faculty with experience in Photoshop and Illustrator
  • Google MBA Program 2015
  • EMEA Mobile Ads 2017