Creative Ones

In the following we present an interview, respectively a set of questions sent from a partner interested in using the android application Creative SMS. Although the questions, respectively the answers are addressed to specific types of requests, they are usually encountered among those who approach the area of ​​promotion campaigns by sending SMS.

1. To run an SMS marketing campaign, do I need to come up with my own database (phone numbers), or do you have access to your database?

A: Yes, your own database (databases are not for sale, it is illegal).

2. How much does a package of 1000 SMS cost?

A: 49 euros for parameterization and 15 euros for up to a maximum of 500 text messages per month or 25 euros over 500 text messages per month sent from your Android mobile phone on which you install the application based on the restrictions within your mobile phone subscription.

3. For what type of business can an SMS campaign be profitable? Exactly in which industries / markets did you do SMS marketing and was it profitable for your customers?

A: Many of the online stores we work with use Creative SMS for order confirmations and delivery confirmations, sent based on the mobile subscription. Also,, but not only, uses for many of the sites in its own network the transmission of SMS to:

  • - confirmation of taking the order;
  • - sending the offer by e-mail, with the suggestion via SMS for checking the spam folder;
  • - SMS notification for the transmission of payment documents and delivery contract, guarantee certificates by e-mail;
  • - confirmation of payment by card, by SMS, etc.

Also, including presentation sites (eg - Security and Protection Company) send SMS confirming the receipt of bid requests from the site.

4. I want to run a small free test marketing SMS campaign before buying a package. Can I do that?

A1: Sure, follow these steps:

4.1. Install the application from this link, accessed from your mobile:

4.2. Create an account at and then confirm the link in the email you received to activate your account.

4.3. Login to the Android Creative SMS application with the same user and pass with which you log in to the administration panel (here:

4.3.1. Attention, you will have to activate the check mark and allow the application to be able to send sms using the functions of the phone

4.3.2. Send an e-mail to activate a free account for a few days

4.4. Then access the Instant SMS menu in the web area and start sending test SMS

Step 5 would be to connect via the API to the platform of an online store or a presentation site to confirm receipt of requests or complete the contact form ORI link to any software, including the management of the business that sends notifications.

A2: In addition to the Creative SMS application, you can send SMS through one of our Gateways we work with, so that the sendings can be made from a short number or with a personalized sender (11 characters). In this case there are costs on our part further to the other providers and we will have to report a cost per SMS sent of 0.038 euros, minimum 1000 SMS per tranche purchased.

5. Have you promoted such SMS campaigns in the past? Was it profitable for your customer?

A: The opening of SMS messages has a rate of over 95%, and the reading is within the first 3 minutes of receipt according to statistics, and this is well above any other promotional campaign (for example, e-mail marketing has a rate opening rate of 20%, and the click-through rate on google ads for issues directly searched by the client is between 2 and 20% for those with the best exposure). Depending on the domain, there may be a better conversion rate. However, as with any promotional campaign,the better the targeting, the higher the success rate. In other words, the more the message reaches people who are more interested in what you are selling, the greater the chance of buying.

6. I will need you to compose my message in order to have as much impact as possible. This service is charged separately or is included e.g. in the package purchased?

A: Creative SMS is an application for sending SMS commands ordered by and at the command of the user. The Marketing Services, respectively the composition of the texts or other such activities are in charge of the Beneficiary or are the object of other separate contracts. For more details see:


7. Based on your previous experience and results, can you anticipate the ROI of such a campaign as the one I want to promote? Do you think that profit can be made? Basically, if 20 people do the targeted action, from a package of, say, 1000 SMS sent, then that means a profit of 50 RON per person × 20 people = 1000 RON. If we reduce the cost of a package of 1000 SMS, plus other possible related expenses, it would be an extraordinary profit. Do you think such a result is possible? Or will my campaign not work?

A: As I said above, ROI depends on many factors, including or especially the database used. The more targeted the database is on the services / products we offer, the better the conversion and the higher the ROI. Studies show that a good conversion rate would be 2%.

8. What exactly do Creative SMS transmissions mean?

A: Sending SMS via Android Creative SMS application means sending SMS directly from the Android mobile phone on which the application is installed.

9. What appears to the customer on the sender's phone? What number appears to him, is it a short number?

A: SMS transmissions are made directly from your mobile phone on which you install the Android Creative SMS application. It communicates with the web part, respectively the software application or the online store that you own and we parameterize it together (or with the help of the team of programmers you collaborate with) through the API. Therefore, the web part is not related, and the sending of SMS is done according to your number, the Sender appears your phone number or as it has set in its own phonebook.

10. Is it paid separately to transmit from other exchange numbers?

A: Yes, if you want the SMS to be sent from a personalized Sender or separate from your phone (respectively, separately from Creative SMS), we can offer and link a switchboard number (short number or number with custom path).

11. What does this personalization of SMS entail? Is sending only from the short number or personalized number with the sender's name (maximum 11 characters)? Here from the beginning it is about sending from a control panel not from the device with Android and the Creative SMS application.

A: Yes, the personalization of the number, respectively the transmission from a telephone number with Personalized Sender implies only the parameterization of the transmission through a control panel, respectively an SMS Gatway for which we have the capacity to offer separately. The Creative SMS application is a completely different type of service than SMS Gatway, through which you can link applications, web based software including online stores, to send SMS directly from your phone number ordered automatically or semi-automatically from web.

For more details about the Creative SMS application please access

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