Creative Ones
What are the trends in the online environment in 2017? It will continue the Internet's tendency to become faster and more accessible to non-PCs, smartphones, tablets and IoT devices (internet of things). And as far as novelty is concerned, it will become more and more the presence of Alternative Reality is felt because it has already become available to the general public through the Pokémon Go game and we can expect to see pioneers in our country or at least one interest in virtual stores such as Amazon Go. How do you see in 2017 the online shop? One can not ignore the accelerated trend in this area, the 2016 that has just passed, the value of online shopping has exceeded the threshold of 1.8 billion euros, 30% more than in 2015, so we can expect that in 2017 continue at the same pace or even exceed the 2016 growth. By analyzing these figures we draw obvious conclusions, namely increasing investment in maintenance and administration, as well as building more and more professional online shops. Do you think that certain areas of activity will be remarkable online especially? It is very likely that you will be interested in Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence and Virtual Reality. is CRM an instrument that you intend to offer to more companies this year and why? Yes, it is a tool that has helped us and our partners grow our business quickly and helps us manage it effectively, so we want to offer it as a product on the market, being very convinced of the benefits it can bring companies. How was 2016 for Creative Ones and what do you expect from 2017? (on business evolution, team) The way we work is changing dramatically. We plan to grow our team and as a business, Creative Ones has made a major step toward products and actions that bring recurring revenue to the company, and for 2017 the primary goal is to increase revenue by providing quality service and prompt response to customers our.
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