
  • Fast Intervention
  • Periodic Back-up
  • Antivirus Protection or Free Cleaners
  • Web Hosting Profesional
  • Site Administration (design and development)
  • Up-Time Monitoring 24/24, 7/7

Keep your website up-to-date and secure with constant updates. We offer professional website maintenance and  website management services.

It is important for websites to keep up-to-date, both the programming code and the platform they were developed on, but also the content and visual materials that often require refreshment or adaptation depending on the season.

Updated content, informed customers

If you need to periodically upload new products into your website, modify prices, promote different offers, or change the design to match your business communication strategy, make sure you can do all of these by using professional website maintenance services  provided by specialists with experience in this field.

Website Security & Backup 

We can manage complex programming languages ​​and we always make sure the sites we manage are properly secured. Enjoy a permanent online presence with no problems that could endanger your website, choosing one of our website administration and maintenance packages.

Updated platform

Often, the platforms on which websites are made need to be up to date with the latest changes so websites can work as expected and the functionalities not being affected by an old, outdated version.

Choose a plan that works for you:

Business Premium

330€ / month

  • Pentru magazine online
  • Timp de interventie 12h
  • Back-up saptamanal (Daca se solicita gazduirea)
  • Protectie Antivirus sau Devirusare
  • Administrare Web Site 10h
  • Cost ora interventie suplimentara: 33 euro
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